The Virtual St Paul's Cathedral Project has been awarded a Digital Humanities Implementation Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
For the official announcement of the grant on the NEH's website, go here:
The official story says they gave away 36+ million dollars and lists a few typical recipients (but not us).
To get the the list of the actual grants and their recipients, click on the link they provide, which takes you to a 38-page pdf, and you will find us on page 29.
"The project would also further develop and publicly release open-source software for the modeling and representation of sound in historic spaces."
The news was delivered by William Adams, Chairman of the NEH, in person, during a visit to NC State University to see the Installation of the Virtual Paul's Cross Project at NC State's Hunt Library.
For a fuller account of the announcement at NC State, go here:
This is very exciting news, indeed!