Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Virtual St Paul's Cathedral Project Receives Major NEH Grant

The Virtual St Paul's Cathedral Project has been awarded a Digital Humanities Implementation Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. 

For the official announcement of the grant on the NEH's website, go here:

The official story says they gave away 36+ million dollars and lists a few typical recipients (but not us).

To get the the list of the actual grants and their recipients, click on the link they provide, which takes you to a 38-page pdf, and you will find us on page 29.

There, you will learn that we have been funded to do "further work on a three-dimensional, immersive model of the visual and aural environment of St. Paul's Cathedral and Churchyard as they stood in London during the early 17th century. 

"The project would also further develop and publicly release open-source software for the modeling and representation of sound in historic spaces."

The news was delivered by William Adams, Chairman of the NEH, in person, during a visit to NC State University to see the Installation of the Virtual Paul's Cross Project at NC State's Hunt Library.

For a fuller account of the announcement at NC State, go here:


This is very exciting news, indeed!

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